Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Three days of kayaking around the Prince William sound was execellent fun....

We set out from Whittier in torrential rain and paddled for half a day to our camp. Had to put up tents in the rain and struggled to keep anything dry since the air was saturated with water vapour. Saw eagles and sea otters on the way. Amazing however was the salmon spawning, literally thousands of salmon swimming/jumping upstream to their previous spawning grounds - the stream was literally solid with salmon - difficult to walk through.

The following day we maddled 10 miles to out next camp, and luckily the cloud lifted, it was kind of sunny, but best of all it stopped raining (they get 180 inches of rain a year here). We demonstrated our type A personalities, got the knack of paddling and sped along super speed to be ahead of everyone. Tents up in the dry today.
Following morning we paddled to the glacier (see below the thick white thing behind my head is an enormous chunk of ice falling off the glacier) and had to paddle through water with thousands of mini icebergs to the base of the glacier. Poured with rain again but fantastic.

Finally water taxi back to Whittier, drive to Anchorage, for beer and Halibut pizza at the Moose's tooth. Vancouver tomorrow....

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