Hello, The blog starts again.
Travelled to very very hot and humid Houston in Texas to visit the Texas Heart Institute for a month. Mum came with me for the first two weeks. Below is a picture of the Medical Center and you can see three huge hospitals (left to right: Texas Heart Institute, St Lukes Episcopal, and then Texas Childrens Hospital). On the site there are countless other hospitals... still have to count them. Also below is a picture of the enormous fountain at the heart of the Texas Medical Center (or TMC) as it is known around here.
We are staying in the TMC accommodation for doctors, etc called the Favrot Tower Apartments. The rooms are a bit basic but clean, with a massive fridge freezer, a microwave, a little cooker, and a walk-in dressing room. Most importantly they are air-conned as everything is over here to sub zero temperatures.
Finally at the weekend we hired a car and travelled to Galveston (about 50 miles South of Houston) and saw the sea, had some fantastic seafood in the restaurants, had a paddle and relaxed for the weekend. Below are some pictures. Note the lazy crane in the bottom picture who has found an easier way to get fish for food than hunting....
Currently back at TMC to go to work on Monday for 06.30 am ward round!